Here's where it gets difficult.
Here's where I don't know where to begin.
And here's where this all ends.
Sometimes all it takes is a simple word or
two to make everything seem completely different.
Sometimes you must bite your tongue in order
to exclude false information.
This is where I begin to ask myself unanswerable
questions, and where I begin confusing myself.
When I finally find something good, someone/
something chases after me trying to ruin it.
I feel like I have more venting that needs done,
yet still I have no idea where to exactly to begin.
I feel as if I haven't been putting my all into everything
I do, like I used to.
I feel like there's always ONE person out there that
tries to ruin something I have once I really start to believe in it.
Sometimes, you just need someone there to
hold you.
Sometimes, sitting and thinking just makes things worse.
Sometimes, I just let myself down.